Specialty MGA

Tony Loizides Senior Underwriter, Financial Lines & Cyber

Tony is responsible for underwriting financial lines including Cyber; both commercial and personal.

Tony has an extensive insurance career spanning over 30 years in Specialty Lines prior to joining Specialty MGA, starting at Sedgwick/Marsh before moving on to work at some prominent London broking firms, and has held management and/or leadership positions at most. Tony has always remained actively engaged in day-to-day broking and through his career has also held Underwriting authority for D&O, E&O, Healthcare and Cyber.

Notably as respects Cyber, Tony has been actively engaged in the class for over 20 years and included in the various positions he has held was the role of Head of Broking at the then only cyber-dedicated London broker, for some 7 years. More recently, Tony has used this extensive experience to successfully develop from ground up, roll out and Underwrite Cyber products/facilities, as supported by Lloyd’s/London Markets.

Contact Details

33 Creechurch Lane, London, EC3A 5EB